Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
Male Female
Pounds Kilograms
Feet and Inches Centimeters
Basal Metabolic Rate Little/no exercise 3 times/week 4 times/week 5 times/week Daily 5 times/week (intense) Daily (intense) or twice daily Daily exercise + physical job
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure: {{Math.round(calorieCalculatorConfig.maintenanceCalories)}} calories NOW MOVE TO STEP 2
Select Goal
Now we have your TDEE, it’s now time to choose your goal. You can focus on Fat Loss, Maintenance, or Weight Gain. Choose your option below.
Calculate Target Calories
Your Target Calories: {{Math.round(macronutrientCalculatorConfig.calories)}} calories
Choose Your Nutrition Plan
SPECIFIC DIET: Choose this option if you would like a specific macronutrient ratio such as Low Carb, Ketogenic, Balanced Macros etc. These options are specific in their goals and you aim to try and hit these each day

FLEXIBLE DIET: Choose this if you want to have a specific Protein Goal and then have flexibility to make up the rest of your calories from both Fats and Carbs. This allows you more freedom when starting out (recommended)

Specific Diet Flexible Diet
Low Carb Medium Carb High Carb Ketogenic Program Balanced Macro Program
LOW PROTEIN (0.8g/lb of Body Weight) MODERATE PROTEIN (1g/lb of Body Weight) HIGH PROTEIN (1.2g/lb of Body Weight) VERY HIGH PROTEIN (1.4g/lb of Body Weight) SUPER HIGH PROTEIN (1.5g/lb of Body Weight)
Get Result
Total Protein Fat Carbs
Calories per Day {{}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerDay.protein}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerDay.fat}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerDay.carb}} Cal
Grams per Day {{}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerDay.protein}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerDay.fat}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerDay.carb}} g

Calories per Meal {{}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerMeal.protein}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerMeal.fat}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerMeal.carb}} Cal
Grams per Meal {{}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerMeal.protein}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerMeal.fat}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerMeal.carb}} g

Calories per Week {{}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerWeek.protein}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerWeek.fat}} Cal {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.caloriesPerWeek.carb}} Cal
Grams per Week {{}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerWeek.protein}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerWeek.fat}} g {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.macronutrients.gramsPerWeek.carb}} g

Your Result

Calorie Target = {{macronutrientCalculatorConfig.calories}}
Protein Target = {{Math.round(((macronutrientCalculatorConfig.protein/100) * macronutrientCalculatorConfig.calories) / 4)}}g / {{Math.round((macronutrientCalculatorConfig.protein/100) * macronutrientCalculatorConfig.calories)}} cals
Remaining Calories = {{Math.round((1-(macronutrientCalculatorConfig.protein/100)) * macronutrientCalculatorConfig.calories)}} cals (split these between carbs and fats)

About Flexible Nutrition

• Your calorie target is the amount you should aim for each day.
• Remember that to create flexibility with your program, by multiplying that number by 7 to get your weekly target, you can make your nutrition fit into your lifestyle with ease.
• This allows you to be higher one day, and lower the next if need be, so that there is no guilt or negative psychological barriers to overcome.
• So if your goal for example is 2,500 calories per day, that would mean a total of 17.500 calories per week. However, if one day you went over by 1,000 calories then you could simply have 500 calories less for the following 2 days, or even 250 calories less for the next 4 days. This is how flexible nutrition works and gives you freedom while also keeping to a structure at the same times and tracking what you do.
• With a flexible approach the only concern you have is to hit your calorie target and hit your protein target. Whatever calories you have left after protein target has been hit, you can freely choose between carbs/fat splits to make up the rest of the calories.
• When thinking about carbs and fats however, a good way of thinking about which to use and when would be, go higher on your carbs on training days, and on non training days, reduce carbs and work more on higher fat intake. This isn’t essential but a good way to think about how carbs will help you during exercise/sport for energy and performance.